Day 9 - Application
Tai Chi with Tom
Zoom link:
10 am Live Tai Chi with Tom from my group Inspire - Rewire’s Tribe. Streaming into FB group (Inspire - Rewire’s Tribe) and zoom (usual link)
FB group:
If you’re more of a physical person and enjoy running or more cardio based activities and feeling sluggish then take a read of my blog
‘getting back into it part 1’, part 2 is
Monday Morning Tips
Try the shower ritual ‘Cleanse, Tone, Protect’ . This can also be done at night or in the bath too.
TASK Affirmations. We are not born with self-doubt, we have swag and attitude, and confidence. It comes from our experiences and belief systems that we develop over time, until it’s reinforced and cemented.
Then we are wired to reflect those beliefs in everything we see, including our perception
Let’s be our fabulous selves!
Let's talk to our inner colourful and wonderful little selves and play with affirmations again.
1. Go back to day 1 or 2, or when you outed it!
2. Give yourself some advice and write the opposite statements in affirmations
3. Which ones feel the most comfortable, soothe you and bring you peace?
4. Write down your top 3-5 affirmations
5. Do you have a master one that beats all others?
Send me your master affirmation below or in a personal message for our final meditation. I will add everyone’s master affirmation into the meditation on Friday!
Remember to note down how that task felt 0/10 - if that works for you or not.
We've almost completed the 10-day reset... as we're already on Day-9 so let's check back in a see how everyone is feeling?
The same scale out of 0-10 once again
It will be amazing to know what you've learned about yourself and any patterns? Also, which days have you enjoyed most?
I've enjoyed every day, it's been so amazing supporting each of your goals
Here’s one of my meditations based on my own affirmations
‘I am Healing’ Meditaiton
You can implement something anytime. I don’t like to wait for New Year’s Day! I like to give myself a word of the year...
It’s the same for your reset. Remember I’m going to be doing free challenges in my follow up group Inspire-Rewire’s Tribe. Just 5-10 mins every morning to get back that motivation. Soon we will also have the non-facebook version.
What have you tried to do every day since the reset? Or what would you like to start doing from tomorrow? Why wait until Monday. What works for you?
We are going to be setting up an ongoing free supportive follow-on group. Of course there won’t be tasks every day like this but we we have various bits of value which I will share later on the live 🙏🏼