Day 2 - How am i?

Yoga today at 12pm (log on early for a catch up 1st and Q & A)

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#Task1 Listen to the welcome video again and if need be, the video that I sent before the course, it can give some advice on how to start journaling.

Today, let's start to explore what you are currently thinking and feeling - without judgment. Just begin to scribble.

For some, this may be easier at night and some in the morning, for others it’s both. All we are doing now is practicing acceptance of where we are.

This may help you set or clarify further your intention for your 10 Day Reset - in general

  • I recommend to journal somewhere quiet either in the morning, evening or afternoon and scribble down what you are feeling.

  • Write down the intensity of your feeling (0-10) every day, 10 being extremely stressed, anxious or depressed, 0 being totally chill, and for each task to see what works best for you.

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It’ time to think about how you are truly feeling and write it down. We will expand on this later.

To explore today:

  1. Journal (see below)

  2. Gratitude list

Tips for journaling:

  • How do you feel right now? - be authentic and true, it’s ok to have those feelings

    • Body

    • Mind

    • Soul

  • What’s my overall 0/10 today in term of feeling crap at 10 intensity and 0 totally chill?

  • What impact does this have?

  • Underline or highlight any heavy words that either feel strong or trigger you, or you don’t like

  • Say to yourself at the end:

‘All is well in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation, only good will come. I am safe!’ Louise Hay

So what are your intentions?

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It's not about doing a lot, it's about being present in each thing. Less is more. Everything that we share on this group are options. Try things, explore and then drop what doesn't suit you. But it's always good to try!

Tomorrow we will be doing our live ‘free writing’ which is a great eye-opener and really helps to kick start the journaling.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to settle self - just pick the one that triggers you the most.

This video explains to listen to yourself and feel ok about what is coming up for you. This tool can be used any time when required.

Ask yourself on a scale of 0-10 how this tool helped you or not.

I have a separate full video on this technique, plus ‘tapping’, if you would like a copy as additional extra do let me know.

Then apply the short EFT process to bring calm to whatever is coming up for you.

Thank you NHS workers inside and outside the group, we know you can’t be with us most of the time but we feel your essence and are in our hearts