Inspire - Rewire events

We are still going ahead as our classes are classed as education​ due to the talk/ workshop element of our sessions​, and you are allowed to cross regions for this, we are all still safe and following guidelines​.  ​If anything changes we will let you know and provide a full refund.​

A​t the point of booking ​we mention that we are unable to provide refunds/ change of dates on a case by case situation which is then ​repeated upon booking. This is because these are popular classes and many people are turned away when we reach capacity​, ​and the amount of admin involved around an individual basis, but giving your space to someone else​ is perfectly fine.​

These are trying times ​and we don’t know how long could ​go on for. 

I have given this situation a lot of thought​ going forward and there are 2 options; either ​we ​take off all our in-person events to prevent any undue stress all around, or continue to offer our service and people​ continuing​ to book at a risk, just like if you were to book a holiday​ and you became ill and couldn't go​.​  ​I hope you understand our situation and that​ trust that you would ​also take the necessary steps if you are experiencing symptoms. 

Of course if we cancel due to the situation around education ​(and moving across boundaries) ​chang​es​ or ​any other changes where we have no choice as a whole​,​ then you would receive full refund of course.

I do hope our industry can stand the test of time because more and more people will be needing our support 

Warm wishes​ and see you soon,​

Nic  xx

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General stand-point

Covid Compliance - retreats with Inspire - Rewire

We are very excited to be returning to in-person events.  In these uncertain times we are continuously monitoring government guidelines and will ensure we and any other practitioners or staff members adhere to any changes in requirements. We are following yoga alliance professionals guidelines for best practice. 

To adhere to

For our venues we have carried out a risk assessment

At present the venue/s situation is as follows:

  • We will also be reminding you to wash your hands regularly and any sneezes into a tissue

  • We will have our mats at a safe distance according to the Welsh guidelines and the barn is plenty big enough

  • The studios will be fogged and prepared in advance, as well as any other spaces, with enough time to clear before arrival and departure of other groups

  • We will be ventilating the studio room after every session and also using our incense and sage to cleanse (known to clear bugs in the air)

  • With regards to any food and catering, there will be groups of 2-4 with some distance between each person (unless you are already together). If you would like your own table that’s absolutely fine

  • We will be sterilising the tables after each meal and the food preparation (our chef for the retreat has also done her own H & S assessment with the venue)

  • To ensure full H & S we would ask you to bring your own eating utensils etc. (see below) during this COVID times

  • You do not need to wear a mask during the retreat as we have our own space and we do not expect you to wear a mask in class but if you prefer to that would be your choice

  • We are not responsible for any contracting of COVID-19 and trust you will take necessary precautions and action in case of suspecting this before or during the retreat

  • If you fall within a vulnerable group please gain approval from your health practitioner that they are happy for you to attend this socially distanced retreat.

What to bring

You will also need to bring your own equipment at this time which include:

  • Yoga mat

  • blanket

  • Props such as strap (or dressing gown belt), block if you want one 

  • For overnight retreats please bring bottle for water, glass, tea cup, own plate and cutlery (we do have these, however it might be better to wash our own).  We have areas for washing if you have them so that we don’t have lots around the sink in the food area.  We will provide washing up liquid

  • Bring some flip flops for your comfort, or slippers!

  • Own towel for overnight accommodation

Please ensure you sign this printed document that will be provided at the venue with name and phone number )