Day 6 - Embracing Change

LIVE: Chat: Relationships & Friendships

Today we are looking at relationships in our lives, mainly friendships but it can also apply to relationships and acquaintances. Again, you can apply cord-cutting to this too to help manage it easier, or to dissolve the friendship, or relinking, with a fresh new connection.

Inner circle and friends task.

TASK: Revisit Drains & Radiators

In addition to the friendship circle exercise that we will be exploring in the live, you can also take this opportunity to revisit the drains and radiators exercise and add to it or make some decisions

Note down 0/10 how it felt


When I find a certain song sometimes I just feel the vibe! Be crazy be silly when the mood takes you. Dancing is also great for warding off certain mind-based diseases and brings oxytocin, endorphins, dopamine into the system!

This reduces cortisol and stress and so we feel good. Of course, we are also vibrating beings and so it's in our primal field! I love a good tribal dance!

What music makes you want to dance? Do you have a song that when it comes on, you just have to get up? Or a song you just love?

I have a list! I love a reference list, it's different from a 'to-do' list. I have

a) favourite songs

b) karaoke songs!

Yep I love it. However, I once procrastinated for 3 hours in my apartment when I lived in Dubai when I should have been writing assignments for my Masters...I'm sure the neighbours loved that!

Laughter brings feel-good hormones in the body and can shift your energy and mindset quickly across to the upward spiral, have a little toolbox of things that crack you up. I'll share a few of mine below. Dig yours out and share with us below, see how it changes your day