Day 4 (Wednesday)

Good morning!! I’m looking forward to being live with you at 8am! How is the process going for you? What are you feeling? Has anything shifted for you? Add your thoughts in the chat box below.

You may notice subtle differences. Over the next couple of days it will be a challenge for the mind because it will want to quit or skip. Normally I’m very free flowing, but if you can stick to even 1 of them a day then it will make a real habit change.

After the 10 days, you can either keep going, or…. if you have your answer or your goal you can leave it there. I will record a 5-10 minute mindfulness meditation that you can use as your ‘go-to’ meditation. For now, let’s stick to the 10 days even if you’re a bit behind, then make it a 14 day reset - keep going. Let’s make it together. Just like starting a run or trying to get fit. The mindset is the same, daily small goals. Step by step, consistency.

Click above for the live or replay. Or copy and paste the URL

This evening meditation (40 mins)

Please note that this does not include the meditation. This was because we were getting a lot from the session of sharing. I will record it separately.

details for the evening session

We have a longer interactive session tonight on zoom (see link above) so I can see you (not compulsory to have your video on). Tonight we are going to explore some ‘free writing’ and get out our affirmations ready for embedded later on in the course. We will end with a powerful NLP meditation on future pacing and seeing yourself how you know you can be. You’ll also have a deep message from yourself to yourself. I look forward to running this session with you.

Extra reading, and videos related to todays’ topic are below. You’ll find a link below to the benefits of Pranayama (breath work) and Meditation, as well as a link to the blog about Tips for meditation. Remember these are all extras and optional. The reset is all about sitting 1 or 2 times a day to get into a flow.

Type below to keep in touch and utilise group support, accountability and consistency, as well as ask me anything.

Tell me how you’re feeling, what are you intrigued about the most?

Based on this I will make an extra video just for this group for this evenings meditation

topic of the day: getting back into things

So let’s explore the theory around step by step a little bit more. Have you ever tried to gently start something with a view to keep it going forever?

Maybe part of you doesn’t want to do it forever?

Maybe you worry that it will be painful, annoying or hard.

However, the beauty of taking things slow is that every time you go up a level it gets easier, manageable and yes, even enjoyable! But when we force ourselves it feels like just too much, just too hard and so what do we do?

  1. either we don’t ever start but live in a world or wishing, hoping, regretting and brutal mind punishment

  2. start out very motivated and almost ‘high’ at the idea of what can be achieved. While this can be a great motivator it can lose it’s appeal very quick when we don’t see the immediate results, so we quit labelling ourselves as a failure and highlight the limits beliefs we have of ourselves and our core beliefs of ourselves, the work and other people.

Wherever this is a pattern in your life, not only will a daily practice noticeably shift your mood, but give you confidence of your ability to do whatever it is you want.

Everybody wants sunshine, nobody wants rain, but we can’t have a rainbow without a little pain

It’s true, break the barrier! Once we accept this and acknowledge it, as well as get to know ourselves more, then we can set the right level for ourselves!

You’ll see more info on this concept below in the first of 2 blogs about ‘Getting back into things’. Tomorrow we will talk more about the plateaus, dips and drops of any new venture, and my own experiences with this.


Video above for learning more about Pranayama and Meditation as well as tips for meditation.