Day 5 (Thursday)

Happy Thursday everyone!

We are now starting to find a flow and it’s normal to have pitfalls, set back and feelings of giving up. One thing to know is, it’s not always about motivation. In fact, it’s less about motivation and more about endurance, if you want to make real changes.

This is why we are doing this together. So you miss one? Don’t give up. Just get back on track. This is what mindfulness is all about and how mindfulness can really help to train the mind into a different way of thinking; no judgement and simply carrying on, rather than getting bogged down and falling into the victim mentality. We all do it! BUT when we find the tools, mixed with consistency then we truly start to change.

We will explore more on that progress curve tomorrow.


The questions I have for you today surround the ‘free writing’ exercise that we did yesterday evening. I’d love to hear what came out of that so that I can add your affirmations into the final session on Tuesday night. Don’t worry if you’re not there yet, you still have time.

Listen to your heart and don’t force it.

topic of the day: affirmations

Let’s start to explore what is coming up for us, and what mantras or affirmations might work well for us. I love the Louise Hay 101 power thoughts on audio in the car. My favourite soothing quote of hers is:

Out of this situation only good will come. For the greatest and highest good of all, all is well and I am safe. And so it is

It really feels like an overall calming and trusting message. Play around with what works for you and then let me know. I will add them in subliminally into the final meditation.