Day 9

topic of the day: Motivation

I know, some days can be a struggle, but let’s start the week with an intention… what did you like about the week that just went by? What could have gone better? And so what would you like this next week to go like? Glance at the week ahead and then place your intention.

Remember thoughts will come into our mind and they just need a rewiring. We don’t have to be ‘positive’ all the time. We have to be careful not to suppress our genuine emotions. There’s a difference from being optimistic, despite our circumstances and pain points, than trying to push them away. You can read a little more about this in my blog ‘wave's’ below.

Also, we can start to have a think about what is coming up for us in our minds… the obtrusive thoughts and begin shifting them and/or stopping them in their tracks. Remember there is a difference between suppressing genuine emotions that need healing or releasing, and rewiring thoughts that are not serving us in a positive way anymore.

Therapies that can support this are CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to rewire brain patterns. Keep an eye out for our Deep Dive NLP course coming up in the future. The video below talks a little about how our traumas mild or significant can be rewired.

Write down your thoughts on one side of a piece of paper and on the right side, write down the opposite on the other side. Play around with phases and words that work well for you and then I will add them into the final meditation on day 10, tomorrow night.