Day 6
Well done, you made it to day 6!
Maybe you have big stuff going on, or maybe you’re just not ‘feeling it’. But you always have a choice on how you live out your day and the best version of it that it can be!
Stay with me, get over the hurdle. Today we are going to work with gratitude.
topic of the day: progress curve
Whenever we start something we start with strong motivation because we want the end result, motivation is great! This is what gets us going. It takes something a little different to KEEP is going. The best way to keep going is starting with baby steps, and a strong acceptance that in the beginning it’s always a struggle, then there’s progress, then there’s a dip or a plateau. This is the norm. Many stop here and say to themselves ‘I’ve failed’, but you cannot un-know something.
It’s all about practice, picking yourself back up and starting again. But it’s not ‘starting again’ - you’re already on the path. It’s just ‘carrying on’. Expect and be prepared for these pitfalls and breathe through them. What happens before a dip is just as useful information and important as discovering what motivates us.
What makes the difference between someone who succeeds and someone who doesn’t?
One who knows it’s a long haul and a life change. By knowing this, they take it super slow and decide to enjoy those small changes instead of striving for the unrealistic. Who wins the ace in the end? The tortoise or the hare?