Day 2

Good morning wonderful people! Today we will start the day off beautifully with a short burst of positivity and calm. We are going to start the day with our intention setting by checking in mindfully with the body, mind and soul to see what we are feeling, and what we would like to bring in for the day.

Let’s shift our energy and mood.

Let’s be reminded that at this point there is still nothing that we actually need to do throughout this reset, other than participate in the videos when you can. If you want to read or watch the extra videos/ blogs they are there, but listen to your heart, feel the flow.

When you are ready to take any action, you will feel it. Listen to it and follow it.

click the video below, it starts around 1 minute 40

topic of the day: no pressure!

Don’t worry about what your main objective at this point. We are just settling into a routine and flow….

Below is a link to the NLP intro if you missed it, and also a link to the blog specifically for this reset. Remember it’s only optional.

Read more on the blog link

Read more on the blog link