Day 8

Good morning everyone.

When things become too much, sometimes we see the red flags and other times we don’t. Do you know what yours are? Mine are when I get a really tight chest and feel overwhelmed and this comes out as irritability. Often it’s because we don’t realise that we are trying to go against the flow.

We sometimes try so hard to climb back up the river but we are not going that way. When we finally surrender to something and eventually let go, we feel so much freerer and wonder why we didn’t just go with it!

There’s a fine balance between pushing ourselves, actioning and making things happen, while also allowing the universe to do its thing. There’s also a difference between following the crowd and doing your own thing. I know this can feel like crawling back up the river, but it has a different energy about it. You feel you are following your heart and have trust and self-leadership regardless. Rather than despair or panic.

topic of the day: Go with the flow

So let’s keep that movement flowing today… below are 2 videos for sun salutations. The first is the warm up video and the other is the instructions on how to do a sun salutation.

Sun salutations are amazing - they give you energy, burn through stagnant energy and stretch/ work all the muscles in the body. Just go as slow as is right for you.