Welcome to the Thorat Chakra

Throat chakra - ​ (communication and truths -dishonesty)

Throat chakra - ​ (communication and truths -dishonesty)


● The Throat is the voice of the heart. It’s sanskrit name, Vishuddha, means purity and purification

● It is the first of the higher or universal chakras - responsible for your unique inner voice and communication on a spiritual level

● The Throat occupies a critical place and is the gateway between mind and body. It is not the central place of balance like the heart; rather it mirrors the transformative properties of fire - a medium in the transition from one dimension to another.

● It is also about verbal communication and a so a healthy Throat enhances self expression, while having an openness to the ideas of others

● This chakra can therefore be affected by the others in different ways

● It is a 16 petalled lotus at the Throat (referring to all the Sanskrit vowels) and has a downward triangle, within which is a white circle, thought to represent the full moon, inside is a white elephant

● The element is ether, otherwise known as Akasha or spirit

● In the Throat chakra we increase awareness to perceive the subtle field of vibration known as the ethereal plane

● This place is the vibrating field of subtle matter that functions as both cause and result of our thoughts, emotions and physical states


● The Throat chakra is closely linked to the Heart. These two chakras should be in constant communication, processing physical emotional and spiritual information and delivering it to all the chakras so that they work holistically

Sound, rhythm, vibration and words are powerful rulers of our lives, we take these for granted

● We are subjects of the rhythm upon rhythm, endlessly interweaving the fabric of experience

● From the first cries of a baby to the harmonies of a symphony, to the beating of our heart we are immersed in an infinite web of communication


Communication is the connecting principle that makes life possible. From the DNA encoded messages of living cells to the spoken or written word, from the nerve pulses connecting the mind and body to the broadcast waves and wifi

● Within the body, communication is vital - repair, chemical reactions, growth, maintenance

● Culturally we have our networks which are all cultural nervous systems, connecting us all

● Communication is our first level of physical transcendence. It enables us to transcend the ordinary limitations of the body, for example speaking over skype to Australia from UK. We can record voices, film and restore those who are now passed in this way

● Each step upwards decreases the boundaries of each chakra and takes us closer to unity

● We arrive at this unity through the ability of consciousness to make connections

● Communication shapes our reality and creates the future. If I ask for a salad in a restaurant then the salad arrives - manifestations on a physical plane

● Words can be just as impactful, hence the work around NLP. Words can carry these vibrations based on the feeling we associate with a word. A book to recommend is ‘The Hidden Messages in Water’ by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Sound is the more tangible output of this chakra - e.g. the voice

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● Music can be other ways to communicate. We feel different when we listen to certain music

● Other experiments have also been done to see how sound impacts sand - google Ernst Chladni

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● Patterns can be formed and these are also known as Mandalas. Where design is a pattern arranged geometrically around a centre point, just like a pattern of a chakra


● Even our perceptions, through any of the senses, are a function of perceiving rhythm. Hearing and seeing light waves are only two

● What many of us lack in our lives is this resonant rhythm, the integrating aspect that connects us from the very core of our being to the heartbeat of the universe

● We have our own rhythms from one person to another and people living in the same household become rhythm entrained to each others subtle vibrations

● It has been long known that women who live together menstruate at the same time of the month

● Couples who are together for a long time often tend to move with the same speech, body language

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As a culture this also happens through neighbours, friends, peers, our environment, and not only in visual but psychological, physiological and subconscious vibrations

● Individually some of us are more active in the morning, and some in the evening. Yet the way the world works is that we are all following the same rhythm decided by someone somewhere that we should work 5 days per week, 8-10 hours per day, between the hours of 8-6

● Looking at energy, one who wakes calm with calm rhymes is more likely to have a calmer day ahead, and vice versa. Unless we make a choice to change that rhythm, that thought, that emotion

● It's the energy of the thought and emotion which charges our energy. We don’t pay much attention to all these rhythms in our physical, subtle and spiritual layers but they can be felt, and they are being given out

● The Transcendental Meditation Society, more commonly known as TM, has a meditational philosophy based on this principle. They believe that brain-wave rhythms created by mantra meditation can positively influence the world of non-meditators. The more meditations there are, the more likely this rhythm entrainment can occur. In Atlanta, Georgia, where every night at a certain hour, mediators agreed to meditate. It was shown that there was a remarkable reduction in crime during that hour.


● All speech has rhythm. This means that conversation is also a subject to the principled of rhythm entrainment. It’s interesting to study the subject of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) which focuses not only on patterns within the mind and our thinking/behaviour but also our language patterns and how that impacts on ourselves within and others around us (similar effect to the Words on Water)

● Mantras are another way to explore rhythm and sound. ‘ The essence of all beings is earth, the essence of earth is water, the essence of water is plants, the essence of plants is man, the essence of man is speech, the essence of speech is the holy knowledge (Veda), the essence of Veda is Sama-Veda (word, tone, sound), the essence of Sama-Veda is Om.’ Upanishad

● Just as a vibration can change the shape of sand, influence water, and impact our mood, so too can a mantra awaken the mind from its habitual sleep of ignorance - much like shaking the shoulders of some to awaken them if needed. It is not necessary to intellectualise the meaning or symbolism of mantra for it to work on us. In fact the mantras magic is not to think

● So surely if vibration is so prevalent perhaps we could be open to the idea of the potential of telepathy (the art of communicating across time and space without using any of the ‘normal’ five senses? We respond on a subliminal level from the heart beat resonation to the emotions, thoughts and our body language. As we learn to refine our chakras, calm our minds and quiet our thoughts, the fabric of our consciousness becomes smoother


● Our vibrations become steadier and our perceptions more direct. So therefore it becomes easier for us to become aware of the subtler ripples of vibrations in our energy field. These become even more evident when grosser vibrations are no longer an interference

● While many people have associated creativity with the 2nd chakra, it is still ultimately a form of expression, related to this chakra, whether it be visual, auditory, kinesthetic, dramatic or literary, the ats, precisely by their non regimented, nonconformist character are able to reach into the uncharted realm of the future and illustrate ideas. The process of creativity is internal, a journey

● The throat is also connected to the idea of vocation - from the latin voca meaning voice or calling. When this chakra is brought into balance many people suddenly discover a fresh outlook on what they want to do in life. They may change their priorities or may feel their literal vocation calling them to an entirely new profession or way of life

● The theme of communication is paramount; a closed or poorly functioning Throat chakra can be heard in monotonous droning voice, or seen in someone holding back when feeling shy or unconfident, or if too strong it can be seen when someone is over-dominating a conversation. Using the voice and working with it in a variety of ways, such as mantras and singing, can help to open it.

A closed Throat means feeling defensive about your ideas and threatened when others have different views. You may be unwilling to voice your ideas at all, preferring to align yourself with ready made ideologies.

Or you may never stop talking but without saying anything important. Another sign it is out of balance is when you have a lot of things to say which you believe important but others may not be ready for or want to hear. This takes a balance of awareness, and can be seen especially when waking up to spiritualism, with the best intentions to share your discoveries with others who might not be ready

When it’s closed you can feel anxious or confused, not knowing which direction to take and fearful or taking a new path. Sometimes you can even cling to a person, an idea or way of life even though you know it's damaging you. An unhealthy one can also manifest in illness such as neck and throat ailments, headaches, teeth and gum conditions, ear infections and mouth ulcers

A healthy chakra ensues self expression in every sense, such as being able to put forward your own ideas whilst listening to the perspectives of others in an open and positive way

Giving your word is another way in which that Throat chakra expresses itself so be careful if you are always trying to do this and don’t have time for it all and start to feel bad. It then becomes about balancing when to say no and yes, to your own truth

● Those with strong Throat chakras are reliable, authentic and mean what they say. They are able to make commitments to other people, follow a spiritual path, aspire to high ideals and can sometimes make huge changes in their lives if they instinctively know that they should

● When you come to terms with your unique inner self and its intuitions and instincts you will know this chakra is working as it should. If you are dogmatic, refuse to listen to other’s input or you get bogged down in minor details rather than address the heart of the issue you need to work on this

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How to Balance

● The film ‘what the bleep’, which can be found on youtube explains this wonderfully and each time you watch it, you have increased your awareness and pick up different elements of the film. This is often why we use the term ‘that resonates with me’

● You can also open the throat via the written word, especially if those words express powerful ideas. It can also be planning and goal setting but in a realistic way, get to know yourself and make a list of priority or urgency. Other forms of expression can also be applied such as painting or music

● You can read about new religions, philosophies, cultures and lives. Read about them with an open mind to widen your understanding, and travel if or when you can. Widen your understanding, compassion and tolerance - not in order to imitate or take on board someone else's view on the world and how things should be because these are all belief systems. My blog on the cars in Dubai is a piece about one of my many experiences with different cultures. As we are moving towards the spiritual it’s important to cleanse and prepare the physical first, otherwise toxins will always interfere with transcendence due to the impact on the body - therefore the mind

https://www.inspire-rewire.com/blog-main/the-road-the-cars-and-us-a-network-of-thoughts-and-choices ‘The road, the cars and us’

● The Throat chakra is about expressing yourself. Many people assume the Heart chakra is the seat of all emotion but actually it’s in all the chakras. The Throat chakra is just as crucial because it governs the expression of those thoughts and feelings. Without this, we not only limit the openness of our hearts we may fail to understand what we really feel or think

● Journaling - When you feel troubled or confused take a piece of paper and write down your thoughts about this issue. Be as honest as you can - remind it’s for your eyes only, you can rip up or even burn. Look at the problem from every possible view. When you have written down put it to one side and then do a short meditation.

You can pick from below:

● Writing general worries down

● Writing a positive letter to self or someone around the love you feel and the good things about them/ you

● After meditation calmly read to yourself what you have written and objectively see if you have a new perspective or insight on how to deal with it. It's also healthy to express positive thoughts and vital to tell loved ones how you feel for both you and them

● Yoga governs throat but also neck, lungs, jaw, vocal chords. So when the neck and/ or jaw is stiff and immobile it leads to headaches, migraines and backache. Breathing techniques and exercises can help, designed to help you find your voice and/or release tension from the area of your throat so that the energy can flow more freely. This in turn opens you up to pure expression. Do them slowly and smoothly. See my migraine/headache yoga video on youtube under ‘Inspire & Rewire’

● Try a retreat or a silent retreat or a vow of silence for some time

● Simple time alone

● Chanting (Om - Aaaaauuuuuuummmmm) is the frequency which is found in all of nature 432hz and when chanted it vibrates through all the chakras). It is said that all creation came from this vibration. Other mantras include the Bija mantras for each individual chakra (we will do this on day 7 meditation)

● Sound healing

● Energy healing (e.g Reiki)

● Mantras

● Google the ‘exploratorium’, San Francisco, Tom Tompkin ‘Resonant Rings’ ● You could even record yourself in conversation and see how much you talk and listen

● Playing Charades! Have fun and see other ways to communicate

● Learn about NLP and apply into your conversation (free talk on 16th July + recording available)

● Another way to gain this is to listen to stories, radio 4 or cds, or even books clubs. In the absence of pictures your imagination fill in the gaps. You can listen to music, try classical or other kinds - you can search on spotify for free. Classical helps because you focus on the sound of the music rather than the words, it's complex so you listen harder, and classical music and no other stimulates and harmonizes the brain waves.

● It’s recommended that if you tend to be quiet or reserved using your voice is a great way to balance

● Many people believe they can’t sing I don't have a voice. It's more likely they mislaid their voice or never found it. Start by humming a tune to yourself, and try to let your throat and neck muscles relax. You don’t have to make a great deal of noise just hear the tune inside your head and feel that vibration in the throat. Let go of your inhibition, try not to be critical of the way you sound. When feel comfortable sing aloud; driving to work, housework, bath anything. Singing loud is liberating; we can store a great deal of tension in the throat and lungs not just physical but emotional. Singing can be exhilarating and some people actually feel it open up when they sing and much more aware of it as a centre; it can be a sensation of joy

● For the opposite when we don’t listen within to ourselves and our mind is busy with thoughts and the monkey mind, or expectations from others, a silent retreat is another way to listen to your truth. The action required depends on the individual.

● Listening to others and taking on board comments but not leading your life by then is also important - when in conversation listen very carefully to what the other is saying. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) training can help with this. Try not to interrupt or go off at tangents . make sure when you respond your response accurately reflects what you have heard and is both well considered and well expressed.

● What is the definition of communication? Practice listening - don’t say anything for 10 minutes - let them talk - show signs and then summarise something back to them without taking over the conversation.

Aromatherapy Support: ​Basil, Bergamot, Chamomile (English/Roman), Cypress, Peppermint, Spearmint

Crystals and Stones: Angelite, Apatite, Aquamarine, Azurite, Celestite, Blue Calcite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Quartz Blue Sapphire, Chrysocolla, Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Larimar, Turquoise