Welcome to the Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra - ​(will and power - control and shame)

The Solar Plexus Chakra - ​(will and power - control and shame)


● Manipura in sanskrit means the jewel is the mind; when your Solar Plexus is balanced so is your mind

● This chakra is extremely complex. The word ‘plexus’ in Anatomy means collection of nerves

● In balance you see yourself as a separate individual and not just part of a group or partnership and you express this individuality with integrity and treat everyone as equals

● It has 10 petals and it’s element is fire which represents the power to manipulate - our/fingers

● 10 is also the beginning of a new cycle

● Within the lotus is a Ram, a powerful and energetic animal, associated with Agni, Hindu god of fire

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● Fire is the spark of life that ignites will into action

● Fire also keeps us warm, active and energised so that we can be transformers

● Opposite to water, the chinese reference is Yang, masculine, active

● Emotion and desire to find will, purpose and action with power rising from our guts

● The fire ignites the light of consciousness, activating our higher purpose

● From the Root of solidity, stability and focus, we embraced polarities, discovered passions of difference, choice, emotion, with the Sacral - two together creates a third energy (rubbing two sticks)

● Energy for both the body for digestions and psychologically it refers to enthusiasm

● It’s purpose is transformation. Earth and water are passive moving downwards, fire by contrast rises

● To rise through the chakras and liberate ourselves from fixed patterns/ behaviour, we need action may be difficult or challenging, moving towards something new

● The purpose is to overcome inertia through choice - can also happen through other force or situation

● The hardest part is getting started. Once we get a fire going it burns more easily, only needing to be stirred and fed

● It is the chakra of the mind, ruling rational thought, discernment and individuality and moral judgement and courage to stand up

● It is also a very physical chakra, governing your digestive system, liver and spleen, as well as your back

● It is located in the navel area and related to abdominal organs - rules the metabolism, responsible for the regulation and distribution of metabolic energy throughout the body through the combustion of matter (food) into energy (action and heat)


When out of balance

● Ailments - digestive system, such as ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, liver and digestive problems as well as diabetes

● One important component is air; without air there is no fire. So breathing can impact in both positive and negative ways. When we have no room to breath our power therefore is limited

● Angry and controlling behaviour and ruthless ambition are the signs of a dominant Solar Plexus

● Workaholics, with power and conflict at the centre of their lives

● Abrasive over very minor issues, maybe even violent

● An overly dominant Solar Plexus leads to bullying, egotistical and aggressive behaviour

● Often you can fluctuate between the two as this one becomes balanced

● Those with this underdeveloped chakra can be easily manipulated and are governed by perceived pecking order and what other people think of them

● They tend not to like their own company and need constant reassurance

● A weak Solar Plexus results in fear and lack of confidence

● A weak Solar creates feelings of insecurity, guilt and makes people unable to stand up for themselves


● When out of balance you might crave either hot and spicy food or cold and refreshing

● Or do you have a quick temperament and are energetic, or slow and lethargic if opposite and is weak. The answers depend on if we have excessive or deficient fire in the body

● When in balance

You are discerning, disciplined and assertive and you face life’s challenges with courage and integrity

● It is governed by the sun - we see radiance when it’s in balanced

● As well as being warm in nature, people with a balanced Solar Plexus chakra have healthy intuition and they can rely on their hunches or gut instincts, as well as expressing themselves well

● It is the centre of intellect and decision making, and it is important for the health and development of this chakra that you make your own choices rather than have them made for you; it’s hindered if you feel powerless

● This can happen when children feel they have no say in making decisions growing up

● The age of this is usually between 8-12 where puberty marks the end with the rite of passage

● feelings of disempowerment can happen at any age

● When we try to maintain too much control we find it takes a lot of energy and when our natural energy subsides we end up drawing on other stimulants

● This is especially dangerous for the glands and the adrenal glands and where we get the butterfly feelings when we are excited or nervous

● When we are not grounded, this stimulation can be empowering and vitalising, but without it we may get a flurry of undirected energy or depleted energy. How to balance - depending if it is too open or too closed.

Feeling powerless is not due to lack of will, but failure to recognise that we have will. All you need to do is look around to see your personal power. You have created your world using your will; from the clothing you are wearing, the home you live in, the friends you keep. It’s all choice.

When we say ‘I have to’ or ‘I should do’, be mindful as it’s disempowering to have life as obligations rather than choices. I don’t have to do the dishes but I choose to because I like a clean kitchen. I don’t have to do what I say I could, but I like to honour my commitments. However, I also like to say no when it’s right.


This is my choice and I accept the outcome, and release any useless guilt, or doing something seemingly out of will but not your true will, perhaps it’s with the subconscious need to please or be liked. This is really about finding your balance and building the habit requires some element of self-discipline. Sometimes we need to also will things peacefully knowing it’s the greater good of yourself in the long run.

This is sometimes why we get that gut feeling when we are following something that seems right but our ‘higher self’ knows better. If our self esteem is high we are confident, assertive, proactive, disciplined and basically excited about life.

When it’s low we're filled with doubts and self recrimination, encouraging us to lose momentum, ending up in inertia. The demon here is shame; it collapses the middle section of the body, depriving it of energy . From the physical identity (Root), and boundaries, to the emotional identity (Sacral), keeping us happy and in touch, we move to self esteem coming from trial and error of successes and failure gaining a sense of our own abilities. It moves further when we start communicating and sharing with others as we move up the chakras. Self-esteem is a good foundation for opening the heart. Remember we can also be too dominant in this chakra.

Balancing it depends on if you need more or less fire

● Cord cutting meditation

● Breaking Inertia: If feeling sluggish, get moving, do something different. If hyperactive, be still. Break boring repetitive patterns, or choose a challenge

● Avoid invalidation form those who don’t understand your situation, although some might like to help sometimes it can be detrimental, only you know this, go gently. New ideas can also comes across greater opposition. Challenges and intellectual balanced discussion is healthy but indirect or direct put down is not. We are all entitled to opinions and beliefs

● Breaking attachments - avoid getting hung up or caught up and letting things go. Check the energy you feel when the attachment no longer has control over you - it can be exhilarating. The more you release, the less friction, the lighter you become and the more you spirit moves away from matter

● Notice where you attention goes. Pay it when it is required; to yourself and others as well as accept from others, and let go when it needs it

● Grounding (see Root chakra)

● Anger - release blocked anger in a safe and effective way can help unblock this chakra - in conjunction with grounding. Be gentle once again with yourself and others

● Knowledge is power - learn and do and experiment

● Love ties everything together - exhilarating, cleansing, energising and healing and feeds the upper from the lower. It also increases validation and strengthens self esteem


● Laughter - not taking yourself too seriously - or we can lose touch with our power. If we can laugh at a situation, it does not have power over us

● Meditation and Kaphali Bhati/ (raising energy) tongue alternate nostril and tongue for cooling

● Yoga - especially sun salutations

● This chakra is strongly associated with food and digestion; fasting which is the oldest form of healing known to man. Just as the stomach is busy digesting most of the time so is the mind busy digesting the outside world. The benefit of fasting is also to rest your mind and bring your focus inward.

It is good for contemplation and is practiced in most meditating communities. Just as a bad diet builds up toxins and waste throughout your body, negative emotions can get stored up too. Fasting helps you to let go.

There are 2 main ways to fast;

○ 1. drink water and nothing else, (1 day only), minimum of 2 litres and rest as much as possible.

○ 2. juice fast - vitamins and minerals have a more immediate cleansing impact than water alone, 3-5 fresh juices per day. You can do 3 days but can do more or less, 2-4 times per year.

It’s better to be on your own during a fast or with others who are also fasting. Tune into your body. if you want to sleep, sleep, if you want to walk, walk. There are even specialty fasting retreats. Retreats are another way to let go of the external and go within.

It’s best to check your condition first if you are ready; fasting can cause headaches, coated tongue and skin eruptions which are just signs body is eliminating. Benefits are blooming skin, silky soft hair, bright clear eyes as a result from your body rebalancing. If you are currently recovering from surgery or a chronic illness, especially fatigue it’s better to wait until you are feeling more healthy.

Check with doctor first and avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding or illness. Oils to burn that can accompany during a fast are: rosemary, juniper, geranium, peppermint, bergamot, cinnamon. Other options to balance this chakra: Solar therapy; if it’s winter then sit in front of the fire, sit in a room painted yellow, the colour of this chakra. get yellow flowers for the house or yellow candles, or visualisation of yellow flowers. Jogging also helps to get the blood pumping and overcoming inertia.

Or you can start with walking. Check out my blog on getting back into jogging as I have also related it to getting back into Yoga. http://www.inspireandrewire.com/yoga-home/ In the Indian tradition, Ayurveda is an ancient healing system aimed at healing on individuals, holistically, taking into consideration the 3 body constitutions of Pitta, Kapha and Vata.

Pitta is the fire element in line with this chakra. This fuels the agni fire within our bellies. It is required but not in excess or too little. To keep this in balance it’s recommended to eat regular, smaller portions and to eat slowly, without overeating. The aim is also to be 3⁄4 full so as not to add strain to the system and avoid eating while working or watching TV. Take a walk to aid digestion

Aromatherapy Support: Black Pepper, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Clove, Coriander, Cypress, Geranium, Ginger, Grapefruit Juniper, Lemongrass, Mandarin, Peppermint, Petitrain, Rosemary, Sandalwood Crystals and Stones:​ Amber, Citrine, Golden Topaz, Sunstone, Yellow Calcite. Ensure to practice each chakra in the week.