Welcome to the Root Chakra
The Chakra Series Summary: The Root chakra - Survival (Grounding and Fear)
● The Root chakra (Muladhara) for survival; food, sleep and shelter
● It’s element is Earth, lotus flower of 4 red petals
● Downward pointing arrow representing the earthly connection
● It is base of the powerful kundalini energy
● When out of balance we suffer low self-esteem, feel out of touch with our body, our sexuality, prone to depression and addictive behaviour, such as smoking or mindsets/ thought patterns
● The Root is strongly linked to Crown chakra and in between governs our hormone system
● Physically you will find this chakra in the area of the perineum and also the coccyx
● It reaches out into the major nerve - the sciatic and down the legs to the sole of the foot
● Develops at early years (impact from nurturing) but can be pushed out of balance at any age can result in victim mentality or depression, or dislike of own body
● Sometimes people may feel ‘trapped’ in their own bodies but one only sees that in their perspective and the body quickly become a friend to one who understands its structure and therefore, the purpose as a vehicle and home for our spirit
● Listen to self and away from rat race (adrenal gland over-exposure)
● When balanced feel secure, part of a group and not needy or domineering Healing:
● Grounding - being in touch with the pain - embracing dark and light side= wholeness
● Grounding also takes excess energy from higher chakras or psychic overloading
● Higher chakras are boundless but limitation has positives - when to say no (self and others)
● Return to familiar environments to ground; favourite chair, a good meal, or familiar surroundings. Sometimes being still can be grounding
● Sometimes even a physical touch can help to ground someone in pain. This is one of the reasons I offer Indian Head Massage, amongst it also being wonderful for relieving anxiety and stress.
● A balanced diet and plenty of sleep
● Physical activity and walking barefoot on the earth or sand
● Grounding Meditations create the right environment (at a micro and macro level) too
● A firm massage will support the balance of this chakra and reflexology
● Yoga - healing a movement, grounding and circulation, connection to your breath etc.
● Adding colour of this chakra into your surroundings; walls, cushions, dark pink or earthy terracotta. Warm up rooms with specific functions; studying, dining. Colour and lighting can be therapy, spend some time adapting your environments to your mood and needs
● Essential oils (linked to rooting sense as a baby); in a bath try using aromatherapy lavender oil and cedar with Himalayan Rock Salt. Add to oil or cream for skin, or drops of the essence on your pillow. Fresh flowers are also good and incense
● Enjoyment in food is encouraged (organic has less chemicals and a different energy within), preparing it and cooking it in a mindful way. Don’t rush to eat it, savour the smells A more difficult question is if you are happy geographically?
Are you being tugged towards a different place?
If you’re struggling with that choice right now then what can you do to make your more pleasing to the eye, more comfortable. There might be some other tougher choices coming when you are ready.
Aromatherapy support: Angelica Root, Benzoin, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Myrrh, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Spikenard Crystals and Stones: Bloodstone, Garnet, Red Agate, Red Aventurine, Red Jasper, Red Tiger's Eye, Rub