As writers, we often find ourselves sitting for long periods of time; sometimes this can lead to various problems such as hunching of the back, wrist and muscle strain and neck ache. All these actions can often lead to headaches or other physical pains too.
It’s important in any activity that we participate in that we stretch and we move the circulation and allow the energy to flow through our body smoothly to prevent any physical or emotional injuries, as one can lead to the other. One day I was cooking some soup in a pan and I suddenly became mindful. I wasn’t in a rush and yet I was stirring really fast, I felt pressure to cook it fast and eat it so I couldn’t enjoy my chilling time and I also noticed my shoulders were hunched. I immediately dropped my shoulders and started to stir slowly and it was interesting how much anxiety I was storing in my stomach over this. I then started to slow my thinking and feelings down and decided to just enjoy the act of cooking and nourishing myself. In my Yoga sessions I remind people to be mindful in the postures, if they are tensing any muscles that shouldn’t be at this point, or if they realise they are still holding their shoulders. We can also be mindful while we work.
The following sequence will support some of those problem areas that begin to hurt or ache during sitting and writing for long periods. Some of you will be able to do it with ease and maybe some a little more stiff. I always say, ‘be kind to yourself’. Yoga is not about competition, it’s about the union of mind, body and soul and only you know where your cut off point is from a good challenge or a painful movement. Another reflection of life. As we are talking about writing in specific, and the emotions that can often cripple us, such as negative self-talk, remember that wherever you are now is exactly where you’re supposed to be and improvements will happen the more you commit and keep moving forward. You know when to push yourself and when to let go.
During your Yoga practice, think about the ways in which the act of Yoga has a reflection in your approach to writing, or your thoughts about yourself, or even the theme, plot or characters. However, just notice, just observe. If you are overwhelmed with thoughts then use the session as a chance to come away from the writing and take a time out. Remember to read the affirmations at the end of this piece whenever you need them or alternatively, create your own.
Yoga Routine to try at home
1. Bumble bee – breathing and action which cuts out external stimuli by blocking ears and closing eyes and humming – creates sense of peace and the frequency of ‘om’ is drawn into the body.
2. Savasana and Yogic Breathing – relaxation pose while breathing into the belly first, then chest, then collar bone savasana is laying flat on the back and relaxing and setting the right mindset and intention for the Yoga practice.
3. Om x 3 – AAAUUUUMMMM is the universal energy and its frequency can be found in all of nature – chanting it brings the vibration into our body
4. Universal breath – sit cross-legged and pick up the earth energy as you breath in, then bring the universe energy from above into your heart centre as you breathe out.
5. Neck and shoulders – if you struggle sitting for long periods then this can be done on your knees or standing.
– Neck: left, right, chin to chest, right ear to right shoulder and left tips of finders reach out. Take your right arm above head and rest on ear as an extra weight to increase stretch (don’t pull) – swap sides an then do full head roles clockwise and anticlockwise
– Shoulders: huge rolls back x3 and forward x3 (you will feel and hear an interesting mix of movements and cracking!)
6. Childs pose – options; one fist on top of the other, hands in front and palms flat/ or up, or arms by side, play up (blankets can also be used under the buttocks or on top of the thighs. The most important here is to relax and breath and feel the benefit of the previous postures)
7. All 4’s – wrist rolls – hands under shoulders, knees under hips (blankets can be placed under knees if knee issues) 3 options: a) if wrists OK, then stay on all 4’s to rotate each wrist x3 clockwise and x3 anticlockwise, b) lean on elbows and forearms if not comfortable on wrist (dolphin wrists) and do the rolls c) if you want to work on the arms you can lift the opposite leg while rotating wrists.
8. Cat/Cow – great for moving synovial fluid movement in neck and shoulders as well as each vertebra) – breathing in you come up to cow, breathing out into cat (shoulders rounded an tail bone under).
9. Hands upside down – sit back on your ankles, and turn your wrists upside down so that your fingers are pointing towards you with your palms up, but your back of your hand is on the floor. Here we can release any further tension from the wrist by gently adding a little wight onto them by very slowly leaning onto the wrist. You can take full control here and rock back and forth to the limit that you feel comfortable.
10. Dolphin walk – Legs go up into dolphin (same as down dog but you are resting on your elbows and forearms which are on the floor) and then just bend one leg at once, releasing tension from hamstrings.
11. Child pose
12. Down dog and walk dog – same as #10. in down dog.
13. Mountain – standing up straight, tail bone a little tucked under, tummy in a little. Shoulders back and down and chin parallel to the floor.
14. 1 full sun salutation – See this image for instructions.
15. Mountain pose – for a rest of a 1-2 breaths and rebalance
16. Toes to floor – stand on tip toes, arms straight out in front and with the count of ten been legs and come to sitting.
17. Bridge – or bent leg bridge if your arms struggle with the move (opens up the chest)
18. Hug knees and happy baby – This balances out all the work done on lower spine so it’s back to neutral and happy baby is fun! feel free, just grab the inside of the soles of both your feet, laying on your back. Stretch one leg then the other, then both and role around in all directions – cooing noises are optional )
19. Spinal floor twist – 1 leg is bent, 1 straight. Let the bent leg fall over the straight to twist the spine. Arms are shoulder height, shoulders do not come off the floor, palms are down and head looks to the opposite side of bent leg
20. Hug knees – rock from side to side.
21. Savasana/mediation.
Mindfulness generates self-belief
It’s important to believe in yourself, below are some examples of affirmations:
· I am a writer
· I am a great writer
· I am totally devoted to writing
· I am extremely creative with words
· Ideas are always flowing out of me
· My mind is wired for writing
· I love to write
· Being a writer is just a natural part of who I am
· I just always keep writing no matter what
· My imagination is free
· I am technically sound and always developing more skills
· My creativity is increasing
Keep going, keep growing.