Cortisol (Stress Tests)

How do I know if I am stressed or burned out and to what degree?

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This is not something that can simply be ordered online like any other service. This can normally only be organised through a Naturopathic Doctor or similar, through a 1:1 appointment. However, as we have partnered with Gabi Forrester we are offering this service with detailed feedback and advice with the same value but less time and financial investment, without leaving your home.


This is part of the magic of our bundle. We can do that for you! Not only that but we can explain what those results mean and whether you are at stage 1, 2 or 3. By knowing this, we can then recommend to you the solution for each stage.

We order the kit on your behalf. You then proceed to follow our instructions and take saliva samples throughout the day at key points where your cortisol levels are likely to be too low or too high. This then gets sent to the lab and results are given to us. You will then receive your result and level of Adrenal Fatigue. Based on this we can then suggest your solutions for mind and body. The solutions will be in the E-bundle which is the main element of the Adrenal Fatigue Bundle.

This video tells you how they work and what you’re likely to see, and what you need to do.

You will also receive details instructions and support on the process.


The test is £140 including recorded delivery post to the lab there and back, your results and your in-depth analysis from both a Naturopathic Doctor and an NLP Coach and Therapist who can guide you in both the mind and the body. Simple fill out the form below and we will place your order and take your address for delivery