About Nic

About my Journey


I have experienced burnout and fatigue through a build up of personal and professional stressors including trauma of losing my brother-in law when he took his own life. After Adrenal Fatigue kicked in, I left the corporate world and my 14 years experience behind me and had to pretty much stop everything and take a real look at my life; nutrition, life choices, purpose and environment in order to come back to balance.

Scroll down to the bottom to see a full list of webinar topics…

Having this kind of ‘endocrine or physical breakdown’ was the best thing that could have happened.

One of the media coverage of Nic, a real honest interview - see more here

Vox magazine article on the right. Read full article here

Mum of one, Nic Wagstaff, 41, is an award-winning global expert in burnout, self-sabotage and boundaries, both through her professional qualifications, healing past hurts and 5 years lived experience of Adrenal Fatigue, and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Nic gives go-getters like herself, permission and opportunities to ‘press pause’, so that they can halt the dangerous treadmill they are on, and make changes to their lifestyle before it's too late; before anxiety, insomnia, lethargy and ill health hit, and can also help steer back to balance when it’s gone too far.


Nic said; “I do this because I was that unstoppable superwoman in the corporate world who had to be forced to stop in order to rewire. It doesn’t have to be this way and I am on a mission to help others see and recognise the warning signs and to put boundaries in place to stop self-sabotage, overwhelm and people-pleasing, instead encouraging that pause, so that we have a chance to really connect with ourselves and what actually makes us happy, through making space for wellness. Allowing for time, space and permission to navigate through our emotions with tools and self-esteem, speaking up and asserting ourselves, releasing the burden of perfectionism and living an empowered imperfect life.”

Now I facilitate other’s in their journey and marry my previous career where I loved mentoring and developing others, by enabling other well-being practitioners to set up and grow. You can read my blogs about her experiences here. Meanwhile I have managed to come full circle to help corporate clients whose team members and leaders might be experiencing burnout; training direct to staff or via TTT (Train the Trainer). See below what I offer general public and corporate.

Coaching coffee morning (4).png
Coaching coffee morning (3).png

Costs are based on my qualifications and experience to deliver excellence in this. Firstly, my 13 years corporate background (Group Head of Learning and Development) including Global TTT (Train the Trainer) and global events, then my retreat delivery experience (7 years with 40+ retreats including all my minis and 100's of workshops within my own company, as well as training up new retreat leaders), mixed with vast training/public speaking background and not to mention well-being practitioner training and industry experience (NLP, yoga, Hypnotherapy and more).

I have a very unique background to produce professional and extremely valuable content that directly will relate to your audience's business industry, with a dusting of Yorkshire charisma that allows people to absorb the information with ease and joy.

I enjoy working with corporate and especially running Train the Trainer sessions, public speaking and also diving into emotional intelligence, transformation/change and employee relations as well as training other leaders and managers on people development.

You can book me for webinars, or trainings, or read more about me below. I deliver online live and pre-recorded webinars and workshops with a huge variety of topics depending on your business workplace wellness goals.

I have a unique blend of three main areas required for this:

- Corporate experience

- Well-being industry training and experience

- Public speaker for more than 14 years.

This makes for a great combination to introduce wellness into your work place through learning platforms. I have ran many corporate webinars and training to various companies including Coleg Cambria, Chester University, Phoenix Housing, The Chalhoub Group, LG, Airbus, Salford University and more.

- Corporate L & D and Leadership/ Talent Development and Strategy, 15 years
- Public speaker and trainer for more than 20 years
- Personal Development/ Self-leadership Coach, Trainer and Mentor 15 years
- Well-being Programme design and delivery 7 years (80+ retreats, 100's webinars and workshops)
- Therapist and psychologist for 7 years

Click to view a taster

Click to view a taster

Contact me if you would like to introduce my training and sessions to your business in a professional, yet personable way, and with a real practical approach, not just theory, then email me for some sample video clips of previous work carried out and references.

My passion is delivering exceptional internal and external customer experience; our people are our most important asset to a thriving business, and it impacts the end-user when we provide the right environment and opportunities to cultivate a growth mindset within a unified and inclusive community.  With strong HR Leadership, training and CX background in the UK, EMEA, and Dubai, continuous up-to-date CPD with relevant post-pandemic CIPD training, plus mixed with being a coach, therapist, and wellness/mindfulness teacher, I build global engagement and commitment, optimising modern technology and approaches for accessibility in the ‘flow of work’. I achieve amazing results through driving 70:20:10 at a group and individual level, with a  focus on self-leadership, while adopting a wider strategic lens on the whole business (including management coaching).  

Being a very hands-on person I get right on the shop floor, where required for implementation, and alignment with leadership team, company culture, vision, and strategy, while building a community that understands mindset, engagement, inclusion, wellness is essential for continuous development of a premium brand.

What i offer

  • Webinars and workshops

    • Learning and Development support for HR

    • Team Dynamics and Conflict Resolution sessions and interventions

    • Corporate well-being

    • Well-being in general either direct public or as a guest speaker at private/public event

  • Training in TTT (Train the Trainer)

    • TTT in general public speaking confidence and presentation skills

    • TTT for a specific knowledge base in well-being

  • One to one coaching/mentorship for the following:

    • Public Speaking/ Presentations Skills

    • Well-being Practitioner Business Mentoring

    • How to run your own retreat

    • One day Reset for overwhelm (see below)

    • Team Management (conflict, confidence, etc.)

  • Well-being events (online and offline)

    • Well-being festivals

    • Retreats (from 3 hours to 5 days)

    • 1/2 day Workshops (public and bespoke0

Sample webinar topics:

Resilience 1. Johari window model

This is a Learning and Development tool where we look at 4 areas of our personality (known, hidden, open and unknown) components of ourselves. The 'unknown' is what is revealed during unusual circumstances, our of comfort zone and/or emergencies, revealing to us what we are capable of and can draw upon now that we know 

Resilience 2. 4 personality types and working with our opposites.

Based on the Carl Jungian approach to psychology there is a training called Insights which I am trained in as a coach and Facilitator. I will share the 4 types and talk about blind spots and different communication styles

Resilience 3. Adaptability and flexibility. 

Looking at the difference between the two - maintaining your personality while meeting people half way, as a follow on from no.2. NLP communication techniques can be applied such as mirroring, rapport gaining, choosing to use the preferred style as your opposite 

Resilience 4. Confidence and self esteem

Working with CBT for core beliefs 

Conflict Resolution

Holding sessions with teams struggling with difference of opinions, feelings of unfairness or post-covid conflicts and confusion and feeding back to management. Sessions give opportunities for either confidential or open feedback as well as team/ individual and written versus verbal to ensure everyone is heard.

Action plans can also be provided.

Life wheel NLP activity - to reduce overwhelm

This involves categorising parts of your life. It can be done as personal or professional. We will carry out one for both. This will highlight that we can't possibly have a perfect wheel - one impacts the others so it's about stepping back and looking at our roles and jobs from another perspective

Managing in a hybrid environment (if this is applicable to LG). Remote workers, engagement, connection, feedback and touching on performance management

Self-Leadership (increasing self-awareness through Insights Discovery) - a Carl Jungian psychometrics tool like MBTI) aimed to understand ourselves and others. This also touches on cultural norms too where we can bring in a character of a culture such as LG. It's great for improving peer to peer relationships and with our own team members.

Managing Change in a Fast Paced Environment (using change models but going into more detail in reality about emotions can impact the team engagement and dynamics. Therefore touching on managing our own emotions) - no.1 and no.2 could always be a blend

Leading difficult and delicate conversations (learning strategies, go-to phrases in from dealing with conflict to giving back negative feedback or letting someone go. Including confidence building around that)

70:20:10 (how to develop self and/or team in traditional and nontraditional ways - how to )

Managing Anger (self or others - before - reducing triggers. During - how to manage self. After - reflection and cleaning up)

GROW Model - How to develop a coaching mindset (including some element of NLP)

Developing Positive New Habits (Motivation and Vision to embark on a journey of success using the progress curve model for reality of dips and drops for long term success)

Developing your self care toolkit (using positive and negative spirals of self awareness to make empowered choices with tips and techniques and real practical examples)

NLP Introduction tuse of words, patterns and practical tools e.g. Confidence, Courage and Calm-Assertiveness using NLP circle of confidence technique or swish process (managing our emotions)

NLP Life Wheel Technique for reducing overwhelm ( how to take a step back at all the life elements and understand what needs to be improved, what can stay the same and what areas impact others)

Adrenal Fatigue - what burnout is and how to heal from it (The Stress Tank - hormonal reactions to stress and how to rebalance, boundaries, Morning food/drink/mind rituals to increase motivation and energy during difficult times)

Mental health awareness -

overview of conditions, behaviours within those areas and how to support self and someone you may feel is struggling 

Well-being Topics

  • Yoga

  • Breathing

  • Anxiety and Stress

  • Fatigue

  • NLP mindset

  • Meditation and mindfulness

Our 1 Day Reset Coaching days are a day dedicated to you where you can take as long as you need to talk about your story, symptoms and what's happening with you. After the morning call we will develop a plan for the day together and I will share relevant videos or techniques that fit what you are experiencing. This can also be arranged in-person

During the day, we will keep in touch on what's happening and then we will finish the day with another call at a time that suits you. There will be a coaching email sent a week after as a check point on any hurdles and any other support you may need.

These Reset days have proven to have a quick turnaround when you need to reset with some support. We all need a helping hand now and then and someone to help make us accountable.

Topics that we have covered that you can have access to the video are:

  • The Art of journaling

  • Miracle Mornings

  • NLP Intro

  • EFT

  • The subconscious mind

  • Courage, calm and assertiveness

  • 5 Yogic Principles

  • Drains and Radiators

  • Insomnia intro

  • To Do or NOT to do Lists

  • Managing Anger

  • NLP Life wheel

  • Rewiring Limiting Beliefs

  • Self Hypnosis

  • Weight around the Middle

  • Various topics from The Bhagavad Gita e.g. 'The Field and the Knower of the Field' and 'Action in Inaction and Inaction in Action'

  • Dualistic Universe and getting the balance

  • Ayurveda

  • Finding your Passion

  • The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back

  • Tips for Anxiety

  • The upward and downward spiral

  • Our opposite personality types and how to get on

  • Different types of meditation and relaxation

  • 4 part series of pranayama (breath work)

  • Developing your personal development took kit

As seen in The Guardian and The Sunday Times Magazine as - top 10 wellness online courses for 2021.

The guardian logo.png


If you resonate with me I might be that person for you. Email me on info@inspire-rewire.com to set it up

  • 1:1 Life Coaching £95 per session (online) or coaching morning £395 (in person)

  • 1:1 business mentoring £150 per hour (generally online)

  • 1:1 Therapy (Hypno or NLP in person) Initial intake session £175 for up to 2 hours followed by £115 per session with a minimum of 3 to be booked in advance and used within 2 months (otherwise time between sessions is too long)

  • Webinars, workshops and corporate - please email directly