Book Nic Wagstaff for an Event, Speaker session or Coaching

Highly Qualified Award Winning Leadership Development Trainer, NLP Coach, Hypnotherapist, Global Speaker on Burnout and Boundaries Expert, Retreats Leader and trainer and Founder of Inspire - Rewire 

Mum of one, Nic Wagstaff, 41, is an award-winning global expert in burnout, self-sabotage and boundaries, both through her professional qualifications, healing past hurts and 5 years lived experience of Adrenal Fatigue, and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Nic gives go-getters like herself, permission and opportunities to ‘press pause’, so that they can halt the dangerous treadmill they are on, and make changes to their lifestyle before it's too late; before anxiety, insomnia, lethargy and ill health hit, and can also help steer back to balance when it’s gone too far.

Nic said; “I do this because I was that unstoppable superwoman in the corporate world who had to be forced to stop in order to rewire. It doesn’t have to be this way and I am on a mission to help others see and recognise the warning signs and to put boundaries in place to stop self-sabotage, overwhelm and people-pleasing, instead encouraging that pause, so that we have a chance to really connect with ourselves and what actually makes us happy, through making space for wellness. Allowing for time, space and permission to navigate through our emotions with tools and self-esteem, speaking up and asserting ourselves, releasing the burden of perfectionism and living an empowered imperfect life.”


Nic provides online corporate webinars and training to various companies including Coleg Cambria, Chester University, Phoenix Housing, The Chalhoub Group, LG, Airbus, Salford University and more.

Nic also provides business coaching and mentorship to wellness practitioners and individuals seeking support and guidance .

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Courses as seen in The Guardian and The Sunday Times Magazine as the top 10 wellness online courses for 2021.

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Live webinars fees can be discussed upon emailing Nic direct on

Corporate Webinar Taster presentation below

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Learn more about Nic’ Wagstaff’s background from her LinkedIn profile and what she offers on the button above

Or get in touch to discuss opportunities


If you resonate with me I might be that person for you. Email me on to set it up

  • 1:1 Life Coaching £95 per session (online) or coaching morning £395 (in person)

  • 1:1 business mentoring £150 per hour (generally online)

  • 1:1 Therapy (Hypno or NLP in person) Initial intake session £175 for up to 2 hours followed by £115 per session with a minimum of 3 to be booked in advance and used within 2 months (otherwise time between sessions is too long)

  • Webinars, workshops and corporate - please email directly